Spawn MicroService
Step By Step Guide for Spawning a MicroService
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Step By Step Guide for Spawning a MicroService
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Once you logged into the Zeblok Computational Application, you will get an option for Spawn MicroService as shown in the screenshot below.
Click on "Spawn MicroService", you will be redirected to a page as shown below.
Select the MicroService which you want to use, as shown below.
Select the datacenter where you want to deploy it.
If you selected an Edge Datacenter in the previous step, you have an additional step where you are given an option to choose whether you want your deployment to be created on the HUB or any SATELLITE Node
Select a Plan for your deployment. This step is common for both kinds of datacenters (EDGE and ENTERPRISE).
Select the namespace in which you would like to deploy your Ai-WorkStation.
Note: You have to be a member of a namespace to get the option to select a namespace.
Contact your OrgAdmin to add you in a namespace or, if you are an OrgAdmin, you can go to the namespace section and add the desired person as a member to a namespace.
This is a step given to you for configuring your microservice as you like.
Ports: The list of ports to be opened.
Environment Variables: Environment variables to be passed to the microservice container while starting.
Arguments: Arguments to be passed for the command parameter.
Command: Command to be passed to the microservice container.
Enter the MicroService Name and finally spawn it as shown below. After successful creation, you will be redirected to the Ai-WorkSpace and with your Spawned MicroService.
To create you own micro-service and deploy it inside the AI-Microcloud please refer to the Onboarding Microservice tutorial.