Customised Workstations

Containerization of the Third Party Algorithm


Containerizing third party algorithms and using Zeblok's Ai-MicroCloud™ to provide access to more audiences.

Steps to follow

Zeblok offers a basic minimal notebook with pre-installed CUDA Libraries and the associated Docker Hub URL and Dockerfile Urls are given below. (Docker hub) (Dockerfiles on github)

  • Developers can use one of the Zeblok’s ready to use Docker Images as a base Image in his/her Dockerfile.

  • Developers can write the instructions to install dependencies that are required by the Algorithm. (For Instance, if a user’s Algorithm requires BlazingSQL and Rapids AI as dependency, the user can take the Minimal notebook as base and install the dependencies on top of that base in a new Dockerfile as shown below).

ARG BASE_CONTAINER=zeblok/minimal-notebook:v0.0.7
RUN pip install -q --pre bentoml
RUN pip install 'scikit-learn>=0.23.2' 'pandas>=1.1.1'
  • After writing the Instructions for installing the dependencies, the developer needs to build the Image from the Dockerfile using the command `docker build -t ‘ALGO_NAME:VERSION’ .

  • After Building the image user can push the image to dockerHub using the command

    `docker push dockerUsername/ALGO_NAME:VERSION`.

  • After successfully pushing the Docker Image developer will share the docker image Tag, short description, and an Image (400x220px) to

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